Marco Roberto Sousa Jr. loves playing the viola — even more so now that the stringed instrument may have saved his life.
Eighth-grader Marco, 13, was walking home from Hastings Middle School on Thursday when he was hit by an SUV. Luckily for him, the viola took the worst of the blow, its hardshell plastic case serving as a cushion to spare Marco from more serious injury. As it was, he sustained a fractured hip, a concussion and facial cuts and bruises in the accident.
While a cellist may have escaped relatively unharmed, and a bassist might not have even registered that something had taken place (as is typical), a mere violinist would surely have been killed in this situation. For the sake of children everywhere, we need to upgrade all orchestra students to a minimum protection level of 15" violas, or larger.
Write your congressman.
Do it for the children!

Barry said
hmmmm, wonder if maybe it would be safer if I strapped my Viola on my head while riding my mountain bike
Don't do that. They will all start doing it
Can you imagine what it would sound like if a car drove through a group of mountain bikers. Wait a minute, I've already heard it. It was called a viola quartet
Bite off more than you can chew..... Then chew like MAD
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