The Fiddlerman's Christmas Project was such a success among members that the demand has brought us to the next project to play "Red Wing". Our own "Barry" from the "Fiddle Talk" forum, and the violaman forum, is organizing the project together with Fiddlerman.
Learn the part, post your progress for constructive critism and participate in the universal recording of as many violists and fiddlers as we can get a hold of for a fun Youtube video.
Learn the sheet music for Red Wing Viola - for the fiddle project (ca. Feb 2012)




Ok, lets revive this post from the past. I have been wanting to play RedWing for quite some time and recently have not been able to stop humming it in my head. I finally picked the sheet music back up and been working on it, but can't decide if I like Fiddlerman's version or the Brian Wicklund's. Is the posted sheet music and your video tutorial slightly different? I can't see the match, or more specifically I see areas where my brain and eyes don't follow along. Was the sheet music for the group project the same one as posted today or was that changed somewhere along the way. I'm also a little confused (OK, never tried before) the double stops on part B.
Just for the fun and love of it..
Thanks! Rip
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