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Do any of you ply cello?
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February 3, 2024 - 12:06 pm
Member Since: July 8, 2021
Forum Posts: 499
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Do any of you guests olay cello? I have questions that I really would appreciate some input on. If you play cello, I encourage you to join the forum and participate. Thank you.

The Bumble Bee Flies

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July 17, 2024 - 10:06 am
Member Since: October 2, 2011
Forum Posts: 553
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I actually only tried to play the cello once or twice which is odd since we own so many. I guess I figure that I'll never come close to the level of playing that I can achieve on the violin so I don't even bother. I regret not learning to play the cello when I was younger, along side the violin of course. :) I think I always figured that it would mess up my feel for finger spacing and such.

July 17, 2024 - 11:02 am
Member Since: July 8, 2021
Forum Posts: 499
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@Violaman It did mess up my fingering, at first. But, then, it was like the way the violin and viola felt in my hand vs the way the cell is held, it is like my brain registered which one it is? It is the same with the viola and violin. The fingering space is not the same. I don't do either really well, but my violin is passing the viola and improving. But, it is like the brain is registering which one of those I am holding, and the fingering adapts. It is nothing I am consciously thinking about anymore.

All my stringed instrument instructors had to learn all three. The best and last one, Chris, was major cello, and he is super good. His violin and viola is really good, too, but you can tell he is more at home with his cello. Maybe, it is because he mentioned it, I don't know. But, I think it is the same. After a while, the feel of it registers? 

Oooh, if that is right, that means my brain is working! 

The Bumble Bee Flies

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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