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Hi, JohnG
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February 11, 2022 - 9:25 am
Member Since: July 8, 2021
Forum Posts: 490
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Hi, @JohnG. Have you checked out the older posts from the forum's inception? I wonder what happened to the earlier members and if they are still playing their violas? 

I am thinking bout which brand of viola strings to buy to have on hand for when I need to change mine. I can't decide. I don't want bright. I need to do some investigating.

I just changed some strings on my violin. I had a set of Dominant Pro that I purchased when they first came out, and were on sale. I put them on Old Nick and they sound pretty good. They were installed on my other violin, but they didn't seem to suit that violin, so I took them off. Old Nick seems to be a good fit for them.

The Bumble Bee Flies

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


February 11, 2022 - 3:13 pm
Member Since: April 15, 2021
Forum Posts: 56
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@Mouse - I looked at older posts when I first joined, but not recently. Glad you got the violin strings sorted out even though you had to "rob Peter to pay Paul". I've been thinking of getting new strings for my viola as they are 10 months old and I have quite a few hours on them. I would be looking for mellow/dark strings since that is why I love the viola so much!

February 11, 2022 - 4:37 pm
Member Since: July 8, 2021
Forum Posts: 490
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I am not getting Dominant strings for my viola, for sure, I tried them on the viola I need to change the strings on, soon. They clash with the tone(?) of that viola. I want mellower, anyway. I am not a fan of violino(?) on the violin, so I won't try them on my viola. I liked them at first, but they lost their warmth. They were supposed to be similar to Obligato, unless it was another set that I am thinking of, but I think it was when I tried Violino.

I might see if there is a sale on Obligato. If not, I will keep my eye open. I don't know of anything lower in price that would be warm and darkish.

The Bumble Bee Flies

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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