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Need help reading music
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October 22, 2014 - 2:11 pm
Member Since: June 28, 2014
Forum Posts: 14
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Hello Guys,
Howdy from Costa Rica,
I have been learning how to play Viola for almost 4 months, my sound have gone better, and according to my teacher, im doing pretty well. Now i was invited to join the conservatory orquesta as they used to have only one Viola, now we are 2 but we have discovered a issue i got with reading the scores...

I know how to read them but i think that at some moment at the beggining of my learning i started memorizing the scores instead reading them and playing directly... now that i have to play a lot of songs it is difficult for me to keep up with the orquesta... and i would like to solve this before the issue becomes greater...

I tried to be clear as much as i could,
Any Tips?

Rødvig Stevns, Danmark

October 23, 2014 - 8:02 am
Member Since: May 1, 2013
Forum Posts: 44
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Desperate replies, none of which may do you any good:
Wear earmuffs so you cannot hear what you are playing while reading music.
Have a recording of some other music played through earphones loudly enough that you cannot hear what you are doing while you are playing the viola.
Replace your bow with a smooth light wooden dowel so playing the viola with it produces no noise.

Better still, try:
Willpower and perseverence.

November 4, 2014 - 7:15 pm
Member Since: October 2, 2011
Forum Posts: 553
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LOL Donald. I would say, get some real easy fake books and read real slowly till it comes to you. No matter what music you need to learn, the best thing is to start at a speed that you can read without making mistakes. :)

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