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How do you "Practice"
Structured or care free?
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August 21, 2016 - 3:28 pm
Member Since: July 7, 2013
Forum Posts: 163
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I seem to have been in a practice slump. I no longer follow any kind of structure with exercises, scales, patterns, scores. I now tend to just randomly play various pieces in my memory. On occasion I will select a new tune to leaner and run with that. OK, I'm playing, but am I practicing? What do you think?

Barry Nelson
August 24, 2016 - 5:14 pm
Member Since: October 31, 2011
Forum Posts: 299
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I think  you already answered your question Steve. While playing tunes you already know can be practice if while playing them you are working on bowing,intonation,etc. But you can get stuck in a rut.

The only way to really improve is to constantly push yourself to work on things you find difficult. Remember this is a journey and enjoy each step.

Bach : As the greatest expert and judge of harmony, he liked best to play the viola, with appropriate loudness and softness

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