I've been trying to learn Kalliwoda's Nocturnes 1 and 2, and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. This place in particular, at the beginning of n°2, that gives me a hard time (see attached? I can't get the image to show directly in the post).
There's no way around this shift on 2nd finger, up and then immediately down? It's quite ugly when I try.
She seems to be fingering it a bit differently (but, that doesn't sound "allegreto" to me). What I'd aim for is this tempo. How would you finger that passage?
The suggested bowing on the first bar is not easy for me either, but I see no reason to change it, it should sound very nice if I can ever manage it. Lots of practice needed for that G-C string crossing on an up-bow...
I have no solution, but I love the piece. I have placed a botice in the chat asking any guest who might have an answer to join and help out, also,
@Violaman @AndrewH Can either of you help wtw with this one?
For those checking on this, click the attachment in the original post to see the photo.
Thank you.
The Bumble Bee Flies
Just seeing this now. Hopefully it's not too late?
If going for the tempo you want, I would finger it as printed. The violist in the video is shifting to second position on the B in the first circled measure, then shifting back into first position to play the low E. For me that's awkward because she's shifting from 1st finger to 1st finger on a different string.
@AndrewH thank you! never too late for me, I have no deadline as I'm just playing by myself.
In the meantime I gave the lady's fingering a try : the advantage that I see is that there's more time to prepare the shift (mentally) as the B note is twice as long, and there's more time also between the two shifts, up then down. I haven't managed it at speed though.
Thanks for your input, it does make sense. I'll go back to the written fingering, as usual I suppose it's a matter of practicing it enough.
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