I would like to mention a couple tips for newbies signing on and for those introducing themselves.
Please do not use your email address for your Username. Your username is displayed when you log on and when you post. If you use your email address as your username, everyone, guests included, will have access to your email address. I am pretty sure you do not want that. Once you join, your username name cannot be changed. You can ask to be deleted, and then rejoin again with a username that is not your email address, but you then lose all of your posts.
If I have spotted a new member who has used an email address, I will try to contact them with an alternative, but I cannot guarantee it. Not using your email address is your responsibility.
When you introduce yourself, please do not do it by replying to someone else's Introduction. Please select, Add Topic above where the topics start. This is only considerate of the person you are adding your intro, and it also sets your intro apart with your info and topic title.
If you have any questions, please go to the Forum Assistance and start a New Topic with your question.
Thank you very much, and welcome to our Violaman Forum.
Mouse, Violaman Forum Administrator
The Bumble Bee Flies
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