I have been working on the 2023 Group Project.
I needed to isolate a section of the click track. It is hard to do with the format of the click track. I made a duplicate of the click track, I use the click track with all parts, but it is hard to isolate the section I need. Also, I prefer to just be able to press play and have it start over, but with the format, I have to drag the cursor back to the beginning.
Solved my problem. I did a screenshot video of it and made a video for my camera roll. I now have the all parts complete and, also, what I needed sectioned out as separate videos in my camera roll. Works out nicely.
The Bumble Bee Flies
I am continuing to work on the group project. I have played it a few times where I had wished Imhad recorded it. I am going to try to set up for recording each time I do a session of playing now. This way if I played it through, and got it right, I will have recorded it.
I am still doing Myfanwy and What a Wonderful World. Yesterday I added a song I normally just do on the viola and violin. Sounds pretty nice in a cello, too. Some songs just do not transfer to a cello well because they need the less deep sound the cello gives, in my opinion.
If you are a guest reading this, please consider becoming a member and joining in. Let's keep this forum going and get it more active. I know of no other forum devoted to just viola and cello. We have a sister site that covers violin, viola and cello that you may join, also, but this one is strictly viola and cello.
The Bumble Bee Flies
True, about recording. Somehow it's always when you're not recording that you get it right! frustrating. Maybe because just being in front of the camera is a bit stressful. Always recording everything should be a solution, you'd forget that you're recording after a while.
Have fun with the group project! I won't participate but the result is always nice to see and hear.
Thanks, wtw. I always think of the camera as an audience, even when doing it myself. I have issues with people hearing and watching me whenever I do anything. My cello instructor always had to ask me to play louder.
Oddly enough, when the sheet music says to play softly, I have issues bowing! Go figure.
The Bumble Bee Flies
I actually submitted another video! The second one was better, I loosened up. Pressure was off! I also, put the Obligato strings I was having issues with back on my cello for this second submission. They sound better, mellower.
I am still working on Myfanwy. I need to find a piece to use with my viola.
The Bumble Bee Flies
Congrats. I was never able to get the swing down and those triplets. I'm so frustrated and PI$$ed at myself. After 15 plus years of playing, I'm still only halfway through Suzuki and can't follow a sheet to save my life. Sure I can play small groups, a few bars or measures but not a whole tune unless I have it down and play it 90% by ear.
I sat out two partial measures where there were trips, I also did not worry about a swing feel.
I have been very busy with my cello the past dew days. Probably have gotten about 6 hours in the last three days, that is good for me.
I went back to Chanson Triste and Vocalise. I was doing those when my lessons ended in 2020. My instructor was advancing me into shifting to higher registers. That is fun. These are two of the songs, they use tenor clef and it is coming back to me.
The Bumble Bee Flies
@wtw, I think Vocalise would sound beautiful on a viola.
Chanson Triste and Vocalise are a lot of fun to play, even though I have a long way to go, I just love shifting, and I love slow melodic pieces.
The Bumble Bee Flies
This song has my former cello instructor playing cello. He sent me the link. His friend, Zack Worden, asked him to be one of the accompanists for this song on his Christmas Album. It is a lovely rendition of Do You Hear What I Hear.
I have included it in my blog so I listen whenever I please.
The Bumble Bee Flies
It has been a few days. I have been doing my cello, just have not had a chance to visit my hole in the wall, :-).
I have been doing my former lesson lieces. I think that if I continue on that path, and play a piece for fun, that would be the best route to go.
I am going to follow that patch for my viola, also.
Once thing I am changing, is that I will work on the pieces longer so that I can actually learn what that lesson is teaching, and get it to speed. I need to be able to play faster.
The Bumble Bee Flies
December 29th on my Fiddlerman Master Cello:
My sound from the cello was stronger.
My upper registers were clearer.
My intonation was better.
My bowing was better.
What happened? I put a set of Dominant Pro strings on. They were given to me. No, not a Christmas present. They are making a huge difference!
I just put them on Dec 29. I am hoping they do not change on me after they break in. They are supposed to have a fast break in period, so I should know in a few days if they keep this lovely strong sound.
Funny, I had them on a different cello about 3 years ago, not this particular set of strings, I. o longer have that set, it was an Andrew Schroeder cello. I never noticed this much difference before. I did not like them on that cello at all. This was an interesting test and realization about cello strings, and I believe it would follow through with viola and violin.
The cello they are on now is a Fiddlerman Master Cello, and Dec 29th, it had such a full, rich, projected sound. The A string, which I am particularly picky about, was sweet and lovely. Fingers crossed they don't make a turn in the future.
The Bumble Bee Flies
Continuing with my Dominant Pro String discussion:
Along with my above previous post. For my cello, viola and violin, the sound is extremely important to me. If I am having issues with how the sound is, even when the intonation is spot on, I cannot play well and have no fun because I am thinking so much about that sound. I guess I know what I am looking for in sound too much.
The A string on the cello and viola, and the E string on the violin are extremely important. The other strings need to have a sound that is acceptable to my ears, but that A string or E string is imperative, even if the other strings are perfect. I am extremely picky about that, to the point that it annoys me.
I love my Master cello. I can get some great mellow sound from it, I have heard it, but I was not able to find a set of strings to work consistently with it. I was definitely going to upgrade, until I tried these strings. I am still, very much, considering upgrading, but it is not as imperative now because yesterday I found the beautiful mellow sound I knew it had. I am hoping it is sustained with use. It makes this Master Cello sound a few steps up.
I hope this lovely sound is still there today. I can upgrade, but I would rather not, if I do not have to, one person said I should anyway. I felt like it was upgraded Dec 29th, when I played it.
Heck, I could not get a good shifting note sound, upper register notes in a string, with the other sets of strings I tried. With these strings, my shifting sounded really nice. One song goes up to the upper register B on the A string. Those E, F, G, A and B upper register notes on the A string sounded great.
The Bumble Bee Flies
More Continuing with my Dominant Pro String discussion:
Ok, I was able to do my cello yesterday. It still sounded pretty good, but not as good. It might be me. I am trying to not put the tapes on ... again. It does not go well when I so that. I was lucky the first day with the strings, of course, I did easy things to test them out.
Please, no comments about if you think it is bad to use tools that actually help you, and how to play without those tools, etc. Yes, they are tools, and tools are meant to be used to help. Sliding around to find the spot every time does nothing for me, and others, to hit that spot next time, even repeating and repeating. I learn to slide around to find the spot. It is a matter of opinion. As far as I am concerned, if something helps, use it. If you need tapes, use them. If you need a tuner, use it.
So, back to my playing. I was trying to not have to put my tapes on, so my fingers were sliding around most of the time, trying to find the right spot. I just don't want the hassle of putting the tape on.
Two days ago, I was lucky when I was playing, either that or even the flat or sharp notes sounded sweeter! That day, I did purposely play some notes, via tuner to see how they sounded on the cello, too, not in use with a song, which is entirely different, as far as hitting the mark on the fingerboard goes. Nice sound. Today, I was having to find that spot in real time in songs, not so good. I will try again later today. I might have to think about adding those tapes to my fingerboard.
I do know that the better sound makes it much more fun to play, and more encouraging to play, and mostly, makes me want to play. The wolf on the D string, open or fingered anywhere, was still there, but yesterday, was not quite so noticeable. Maybe the string type/brand makes a difference. Might, considering the different vibration. Hmmm.
Edited to stay more on topic /1/2023
The Bumble Bee Flies
I don't think I've seen disparaging comments about tapes here or on fiddlerman? though maybe I just didn't pay attention. I'm sorry if you received any. Do whatever works for you and don't let people get to you. None of us here are "very good" anyway.
Great if your new strings work well with your cello! Good sound is important. I don't understand how some days, my sound is great with effortless bowing, and other days it feels like I'm having a battle with my viola to extract the notes (and losing). Hope I'll figure it out at some point.
@wtw Whenever the topic came before up, someone new asking about tapes and using a tuner, the reaction is very one sided. You have to do it by ear or you won't be able to learn to play the instrument. Not true, you are playing they way you can play. I state that if you need tapes and a tuner, use them. The tools are there and available. Wow, I would get shut down by replies stating, again, you cannot learn that way. There is no wiggle room for people who cannot do it that way. It hasn't been discussed recently, no newbie has asked about it. I just did not want my blog to be used for a discussion about it. I wanted to know when I tried it again for reference if it started working, or I gave up and went back to what works for me. I could look at my blog for where I mentioned it.
I remember a beautiful video, quite a while ago, someone commented it was really nice, but, then added that the he or she noticed the person who posted the video did not look at the tapes on the fingerboard, so take them off, why have them on. It is for support. It is for in case you get lost on the fingerboard, it is for when learning another song. What difference does it make? This was quite a while ago.
I need the tapes. I need the tuner. I cannot remember finger placement. It just does not connect, note and fingerboard placement. I have to slide around too much to find it. I have to do that with each repeat of that note, if I try repeating to make it stick. So what am I learning? Sliding around to find it because once I remove the finger, I cannot just find it. I am better at it on my cello with the first few shifted notes, but that is about it. Even then, part way through a piece, I get lost and have to look at the tapes to find my way back.
I probably take it too personally, because I need them, and those who don't need them can be so vocal or defiant about it. But, to comment on someone's comment about it not being right to use tapes, is not very polite or needed. The answer is, do what you need to do, for as long as you need to do it.
The Bumble Bee Flies
In line with my comments above, I had to make the finger placements on my cello fingerboard today. I used little dots instead of tape, this time. I was having too much trouble finding my way. After that,,it was a pretty good session.
The Bumble Bee Flies
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