Before posting any items for sale, if you have not ever done so, introduce yourself in the Introduce Yourself section of the forum. It is only courtesy. If you want to sell something, you need to introduce yourself, first. Those you want to sell to should know a little about you, especially any playing experience, the item itself can be described in the For Sale forum section, including how you came upon it. Entering a house, and not saying "hello", and just offering to sell something, is not very courteous or friendly. Thank you for your courtesy and understanding. Below are the rules.
The selling of violas and other bowed string instruments and their accessories, is for members’ convenience. As such, Fiddlerman, Forum Administrators and Fiddlershop are in no way responsible for any transactions or postings for items to be sold or purchased, even if erroneous.
Fiddlerman, Forum Administrators and Fiddlershop will not act as mediators for any discrepancies for sales or purchases. Discrepancies will not be debated on the forum or chat room. Action will be taken against any and all members who bring the discrepancy about a sale or purchase to the forum or chat room.
Transactions are solely between seller and purchaser. Keep in mind when talking price, people are from different countries on this forum. The original poster, seller and interested parties are responsible for providing the correct contact and currency information to each other. Fiddlerman, Forum Administrators and Fiddlershop will take not action to provide this information.
Also, all topic threads for the sale or purchase of items will be deleted, without warning, if the original poster has not logged into the forum and updated the post in 3 months after posting and every 3 months thereafter. Updating requires a new reply placed by the seller, or original poster, for that topic thread, not just logging in and viewing. Administrators need to see a new post by the seller or original poster to confirm the seller is tracking the item listed for sale. This must be done every 3 months.
The Bumble Bee Flies
1 Guest(s)