
I tried to have some fun with the Radetzky march, here's the not-so-glorious result :
(Never mind the crappy end, I lost focus there.) Comments are welcome.
What bugs me is that I had already tried recording it more than 2 years ago, and I think it's not that much better now (previous version : https://drive.google.com/file/.....sp=sharing). I'm getting somewhat better with the bow (better bow too), but it's a bit disheartening at times, the slowness of progress !
[As usual, links will self-destruct at some point.]

I love that piece! You do a fantastic job! I can hear a lot of improvement from your first go. That is saying something because your first ho at it was great.
The newer one sounds like you have a lot more confidence. It sounds much clearer, not talking about recording sound. Your playings sounds livelier.
Thanks for sharing both links in the post. It was very nest to hear the then and now.
The Bumble Bee Flies


I edited the title for you. There are a few things on the site that need fixing. Was it just the title you could not exit, or do you not get the option to edit the body of your post, either.
Members never get to edit the topic title. To do that you need to ask an admin, but the body of the post should be able to be edited by you. Let me know. I don’t see what you see because I am an admin.
The Bumble Bee Flies


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